DISC Assessments – The GOLD Standard

In a world where understanding human behavior is crucial for personal and professional growth, the DISC assessment stands out as a reliable tool for personality profiling. Among the myriad of providers, FocalPoint’s DISC assessments have emerged as the gold standard.

Unparalleled Accuracy and Depth
Independently Certified by the Assessments Standards Institute of the USA, FocalPoint’s DISC assessment is meticulously designed to capture the nuances of an individual’s personality, categorizing them into Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness traits. The precision of these assessments ensures that users receive a comprehensive understanding of their behavior, strengths, and areas for improvement.

User-Friendly Interface
One of the standout features of our DISC assessments is their user-friendly interface. The process is straightforward, making it accessible to individuals and organisations alike. The online platform is intuitive, ensuring that users can easily navigate through the assessment and obtain their results without hassle. This ease of use is particularly beneficial for organisations looking to implement DISC assessments on a large scale.

Let Us Customise for Your Organisation
Every individual and organization has unique needs, and we recognize this. We offer customizable reports that cater to specific requirements, whether it’s for personal development, team building, or leadership training. We offer version that have the presentation simplified by using 4 different bird types as representatives of the DISC core styles and even a children’s version with guidance for the student, the teacher/counsellor and the child’s parents. This flexibility ensures that the assessment remains relevant and valuable across various contexts and industries.

Our Certified Coaches work with you to select the right DISC assessment for your purposes, whether it’s Sales improvement, Leadership growth or general Personal Awareness. They can help you to change deeply ingrained thought patterns and behaviours, embrace imperfection and adopt a healthier mindset. “Assessment – Why DISC?”

Trusted Globally!
With a presence in over 70 countries and translations into multiple languages, our DISC assessments have a truly global reach. This widespread recognition is a testament to their reliability and effectiveness. Organisations around the world trust our DISC assessments to enhance their understanding of human behavior and to drive personal and professional growth.

Get in touch now for a confidential discussion with a Certified Executive Coach Contact Us